Week 9 3/28-4/3 Float and Paddings
Float and paddings
We mentioned in Week 6 about using CSS to float and element and to define a div’s padding, margins, and borders. This week, we are going to revisit these topics. I have added 4 video tutorials. Please watch them.
Add padding to a div
How to float a div in Dreamweaver
How to clear float in CSS in Dreamweaver
Minimum height in a Div tag
6 points
due on 4/4/2022
Based on the above videos, please revise week7.html to include the following elements:
- add padding (4 sides) 10-20px to the content section (2 points) and to the left/right-side menu bar (1 point). Please do not center the content;
- add margins or paddings 10px to the image in the content section, but not to the banner (3 points);
If you have included these elements in week7.html, you do not have to do anything this time. You may make the update directly on week7.html, which is linked on our class page. Or you may make a week9.html page and link it to the week7.html.
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