Assignment 8 (6 points, due on 3/28)


6 points
due on 03/28/2022

Please create a Web page with the same heading, banner, setup, and footer of your week7 page, just change the content section and the right section. Here is an example. This is the requirement for your page:

  1. An accordion panel with at least three sliders and contents on the right section (1.5 points);
  2. A tab panel with at least four tabs and contents in the content section ( 1.5 points);
  3. Dreamweaver behavior effects (include at least two effects such as shake or fade) in the content section (2 points);
  4. A popup message in the content section (1 point);
  5. After you upload this .html file to your server, please add a link to this page on the navigation bar of your week7 page (which is your front page linked to our class website).

Special attention:

When you create behaviors in Dreamweaver, you will notice that on the code bar, a lot of files are created automatically for you. When you save this week8.html file, these code files are automatically saved inside a folder called jQueryAssets parallel to your .html file. If you go inside this folder, you will find several files – .css and .js. When you upload your week8.html to your server, you have to create a new folder named exactly like this folder and upload all the files inside this folder to your server inside the new folder you have created, with exactly the same name and position. Otherwise, your accordion and tab panels will not function.

*** Pay attention to the spelling and capitalization of this folder.****


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