Assignment 10 (6 points, due on 4/11)


6 points
due on 4/11/2022

Please create a webpage like this with the original image/images on the top and your revised image at the bottom. Please follow the same style as your updated Week 9 Assignment page with the same title, banner, sidebar, etc. You may pick any images from the Internet, but make sure they have clean edges on all the objects you intend to move around. You are asked to combine multiple images or items into one image. Make sure you have enough objects so that you can use three of the following tools (3.6 points):

  • Lasso tool
  • Marquee tool
  • Magic Wand
  • Quick Selection tool

And please make sure to

  • rotate an object (1.2 points)
  • crop an image (1.2 points)

After posting the original image/images and the modified image, please place a note at the end of your page, indicating you have used which tool for which object, and rotated and cropped which images.

***When you are done, please add a link to this page on the menu bar of your Week 7 page (which is the front page linked to our class page). Please make sure the link works and the Week 7 page is working, too.


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