Here is a Google slide introduction with steps to make a navigation bar. You may also watch the videos below to get the details.
Please pay special attention to the second video, which shows in detail how to change the font, style, and background, and how to create a sub-menu. In this video, the speaker used #id to create a navigation bar – the menu and sub-menu.
6 points due on 3/21/2022
Please add a navigation bar to your week6.html (the page constructed with tags). Here is an example.
a horizontal menu bar with:
at least 3 tabs and valid links (1 point);
a sub-menu with links to your previous weekly pages (1 point);
background on the menu bar, either with the buttons or with the whole menu bar, coordinating with your page color (1 point);
links with color coordinating with your page color (1 point);
link(s) with color in hover state coordinating with your page color (1 point);
your main menu and sub-menu lining up with your page. You might have to set up the height and width (1 point)
After you upload your page to your server, check to see if everything works. Please email me the link.
Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section.
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Email us at [email protected] so we can respond to your questions and requests. Please email from your CUNY email address if possible. Or visit our help site for more information: