Week 3 2/14-20 Tables
Here is an intro video with the Powerpoint slides.
Links in Dreamweaver
Importing and Editing Images in DW
Creating tables in DW
Centering images in DW
6 points
due on 2/22/2022
Design a Web page like this album. Note: There are three pictures with rollover functions. Design a Web page in the theme of your choice using Dreamweaver and upload it to your server. Please follow the format and test your Web page in Chrome, Explorer, and Firefox. Adjust if necessary. You may pick any theme, not necessarily a family album. Your Webpage should include the following Web elements:
- a title for the Web page (0.5 points);
- page background with color or images (0.5 points);
- a heading – centered (0.5 point);
- a table (centered, with border, cell space, cell background with color, image, rollover image, words centered, merged/split cells) (3 points);
- a list – numbered or dotted (0.5 points).
After it is done, please:
- save it as week3.html;
- create this Webpage link on your week2.html page (0.5 points);
- add your email link on your week2.html (0.5 points).

This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license.
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