Week 1 1/28-2/6 Server


  1. Register for a Web server;
  2. Construct a webpage using Notepad;
  3. Upload your webpage to a server.


Week 1 Introduction

Create a webpage with Notepad

Register for a server (Agilityhoster)

Upload a file to a server (Agilityhoster)


6 points
due on 2/7/2022

  1. Register for a server (1 point).
  2. Create a webpage using NotePad (Windows computer) or TextEdit (Mac) with two to three paragraphs introducing yourself. It should include your name, brief academic background, and your interests/hobby/favorite books/movies with headings (coded with h1/h2/h3/h4/h5) (1 point) and paragraphs (coded with p) (1 point).
  3. Save it as week1.html.
  4. Upload your webpage to your server (1 point).
  5. Email your webpage link to me at [email protected] (1 point).
  6. Make sure your email address listed on the Blackboard is working (1 point).

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