Several of you have encountered problems while downloading Dreamweaver. I have been informed of the following problems:

  • Login problem – Your CUNY login is not recognized by Adobe to have free access to Adobe Creative Cloud. If you register for this class after Jan. 20, your name was not submitted to CUNY central to have access to Adobe Creative Cloud. Please email me as soon as possible. I will contact IT and ask IT to forward your name to CUNY central. You may have to wait for a few days to have access to Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Downloading and installation problem – If this happens, you may contact Adobe directly. Find its helpline on the Adobe website and make the contact as soon as possible.

Please start signing in and setting up Dreamweaver on your computer as soon as possible. If you have any problems, you still have time to solve them. Please let me know if you have a problem setting it up.


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