Welcome to LBSCI 720 Spring semester of 2022!
Our class officially starts on January 28, the first day of the semester. This course is completely asynchronous. We do not have a synchronous portion. However, all the weekly learning materials are posted on this website with weekly assignments. Please take some time and familiarize yourself with this website.
This course covers the techniques of managing websites, using Dreamweaver to construct webpage, using Photoshop to manipulate images, and using Animate to create motion pictures. Each week covers basic two parts – a learning module and an assignment. In some weeks, a quiz is assigned to check your knowledge of basic coding skills.
Please follow the directions below to find your way around the course and to get started.
Check on the Intro tab on the menu bar on the top of the page, where you will find this welcome message, a video welcome message from me, and a video introduction to the setup of this course;
- Click on the Calendar tab, you will find the tasks listed by dates;
- Click on the Syllabus tab, you will find our detailed syllabus with materials needed, accounts needed to be created, and assignments/quizzes due dates and times.
- Click on the Contents tab, you will see the weekly sub-menu bar. These weekly content tabs will be open on the first day of that week.
- Click on the Assignments tab, you will see a sub-menu bar open and weekly assignments are listed.
- Click on the Example tab, you will see a sub-menu bar with weekly assignment examples.
This site will serve as the primary communication tool for the class. Announcements will be posted on a regular basis. Questions or comments are welcome and might be posted in the comment section after each page.
Blackboard will be used for taking quizzes, posting grades, and conducting one-to-one communications. Please have your email set up on the Blackboard.
Again, welcome to the class. I hope we will have a productive semester!
This course is a technical course. There will be a lot of questions. Please contact me as soon as you have questions.
If you would like to contact me and set up a Zoom session, you may
- fill in the Leave a Message form on the right sidebar;
- send an email via your QC email address (sometimes, your personal emails do not get through the QC email system and I may not receive it) to [email protected], and
- send an email via Blackboard.
Your email will be answered in 24 hours. If you do not see my returned email in 24 hours, your email might be lost in the system. Please send it again. It is better to use your QC email.
The following information is for our scheduled one-on-one meetings. Please wait for me to admit you to the meeting room.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87402761339
Meeting ID: 874 0276 1339
One tap mobile +16468769923,,87402761339# US (New York)
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